Welcome to the world of 24 hour water fasting and benefits of the 24 hour water fast.
A 24 hour water fast is a holistic health practice that has garnered significant attention in recent years for its remarkable benefits.
In today’s fast-paced society, where convenience often trumps health, this ancient practice offers a refreshing contrast.
By abstaining from all forms of food for a full day while nourishing the body with nothing but water, individuals can tap into a wealth of advantages that extend beyond weight management.
From enhanced mental clarity and improved digestion to detoxification and cellular repair, embarking on a 24-hour water fast can be a transformative experience, paving the way for improved well-being and a deeper understanding of one’s relationship with food and body.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the science, methods, and profound advantages of this practice, equipping you with the knowledge needed to embark on your own journey towards optimal health.
Benefits of 24 Hour Water Fast
A 24-hour water fast can offer a range of impressive benefits for both your physical and mental well-being.
Science clearly shows us fasting helps protect our cells from oxidative damage.
While it’s essential to approach fasting with caution and consult a healthcare professional if you have underlying health concerns, here are the top nine advantages you may experience:
Enhanced Autophagy: Fasting promotes autophagy, a cellular cleaning process that helps remove damaged cells and promotes regeneration.
Improved Insulin Sensitivity: A 24-hour fast can increase your insulin sensitivity, aiding in blood sugar control and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Weight Management: Fasting for a day can lead to calorie restriction, potentially supporting weight loss goals by reducing overall calorie intake.
Digestive Rest: Giving your digestive system a break can alleviate bloating and improve gastrointestinal health.
Mental Clarity: Many report increased mental clarity and focus during a fast, which can enhance productivity and concentration.
Cellular Repair: Fasting triggers the production of growth hormone, facilitating cellular repair processes.
Immune System Boost: Fasting may enhance the immune system by reducing inflammation and promoting the generation of new immune cells.
Detoxification: The body can flush out toxins during fasting, contributing to overall detoxification.
Longevity Benefits: Some studies suggest that intermittent fasting may promote longevity by extending cellular lifespan and improving overall health markers.

24 Hour Water Fast Pioneer
A 24 hour cleanse fast such as this can give your body time to rest and digest so that your immune system can reset itself.
The most recognized figure whom lived by this principle was Paul C. Bragg, of the “Bragg’s Healthy lifestyle”.
He wrote the book, The Miracle Of Fasting which you can get on Amazon here.
His energy, strength, vitality and youthfulness give us clue’s to the benefits of the 24 hour water fast.
Because of his example we can see powerful this practice is for optimal function of our body.
He left his physical body during an accident in his 90’s while surfing.
I highly recommend his book so you stay inspired while fasting.
Check out the 24 hour water fast book here.
What are the Benefits of A Water Day Fast?
24 Hour Water Fast for Increased Vital Life Force
Although at first it can be a bit challenging as you create this as a weekly practice it becomes a joyous experience allowing you to fully rest and rejuvenate.
Many may ask, how often should I do a 24 hour water fast?
Doing a water fast weekly will give you results with weight loss and over all energy and vitality.
It will help get rid of senescent cells and create a youthful glow.
The question often arise, how much weight do you lose on a 24 hour water fast?
Typically it is about 1-2 pounds. You can see if you do this consistently each week by the end of the month you would safely shed 4-6 pounds.
We are giving our digestive system a break which is one of the best things we can do to improve our gut and or gastrointestinal tract as well as our organs.
Think about our ancestors and how they had to hunt for food.
They would go days without food but still would run around and forage.
They were getting exercise and movement while essentially fasting. Now for us we are in the comfort of our homes so this should give us some inspiration!
If we want tight gut junctions so that we keep the bad stuff out and thoroughly absorb the nutrients we take in, then this practice is essential.
To learn more about a leaky gut you can check my articles here.
When the body is given the time to heal it will do so.
Digesting food takes so much of our life force.
Especially if one is on a S.A.D. diet. In order to allow the body to clean house it requires a break.
Often the belief is to take this product or food to heal the body, however I believe it is what we let go of that heals the body and what we cleanse out of our system that gives us back our life force.
Sophisticated supplements can be beneficial however clean the body out first and then see how its vital life force returns without fail.
This is the miracle of a 24 hour water fast.
Are you still wondering is fasting for 24 hours good for you?
If you want a healthier more agile body that is efficient at clearing toxins then consider the 24 hour water fast.
If we want better bowel movements it’s a great idea to do a 24 hour water fast.
Each meal we take in should yield a bowel movement shortly there after.
If this is not happening you can be sure food is fermenting, putrefying and going rancid.
This then attracts yeast, parasites, mold and fungus.
Cleaning out the bowels via water fasting helps to clean the vessel of the body.
It makes our body more efficient at absorbing nutrients, clears the mind and gives us a sense of sovereignty over our own stuck habits and our bodily functions.
If we want our hormones to be working in harmony with us, a water fast also helps to balance these out.
If we are bombarded with toxins that mimic hormones we must flush them out.
Giving the liver and other organs the opportunity to “catch up” in a sense and expel these toxins will reset the hormones.

Water Fasting for Deeper Health
A liver flush is also a wonderful adjunct to clearing toxins.
If we want great skin and clear eyes a 24 hour water fast routine will give us this.
Try doing one once per week on a Sunday.
At first there might be blemishes as the accumulated waste begins to flush out of the body but in time the blood and fluids in the body will become cleaner and the organs will function better.
In turn the waste will exit the kidney and bowel not the skin.
Longer Water Fasts for Improved Health
After a few weeks of the 24 hour water fast then you can go into a 3 day water fast.
The 3 day water fast is an incredible reset of the system.
After this you can talk to your health practitioner about longer water fasts.
These will often reverse conditions in the body giving you a new lease on life.
We are bombarded on a daily basis with toxins in our environment so keeping up thru a detoxification regime will give us a the purity to live our full potential this lifetime.
Weight Loss & Fasting
These longer fasts assist us to release unnecessary weight.
But as I mentioned a 24 hour water fast weekly will help you lose weight and keep it off.
It is like the long game and yields deep health benefits.
When we water fast we are losing fat but also all the chemicals and toxins that were stored in the fat.
The reason why so many people can not lose weight effectively is because of the toxins stored in the fat cells.
The body is utilizing the fat as a protective measure to store these toxins.
It isn’t until we release the toxins through a tool like water fasting that we can fully let go of the unwanted weight.
Emotional Reasons for Stored Fat
First and foremost there must be an internal shift in our mind’s eye or a healing that takes place that we no longer feel the need to protect ourselves with extra fat.
Since we are no longer running from grizzly bears in the woods like our ancestors we can learn how to shift our perspective of needing extra protection.
Moving the body, communicating with love and forgiveness and keeping up a cleansing regime must be apart of this lifestyle to keep your weight at its natural state. A holistic approach is the way of the Natural Lifestyle Enthusiast!
Once we adopt a healthy lifestyle we can keep the weight off.
This includes emotional work around food trauma or the need to be insulated for protection.
You might like to try one of my guided meditations to help you clear subconscious beliefs.
I created over 20 recipes to support your journey before a fast and coming off of one.
It is called the Renegade Recipe Course.
These recipes are full of enzymes and life force. They don’t compromise your digestion because many are already predigested.
I utilize probiotics, soaking techniques and more super jedi tricks to make food that tastes like your old favorites without compromising your health.
And they won’t spike your glucose which causes fast aging or feed candida and fungus either!
Crucial Tips on the 24 Hour Water Fast
Vegetable Juices After Fasting
Incorporating fresh pressed vegetable juices to keep our system active with enzymes we can keep that weight off.
Because enzymes are like a spark of life and they aid in breaking down toxins they are keys to flush and cleanse the system.
What if someone is intending to gain weight?
Water fasting also resets the system for those that are too thin.
When the body is too thin it is also in an unbalanced state of dis-ease so fasting will assist to clear the toxins.
This is when a Doctor or Water Fast Specialist can come in handy.
Enzyme Therapy and Water Fasting
Enzyme therapy coupled with water fasting can be a powerful approach here.
The enzymes work to go after any viruses or bacteria that might be hindering the immune system from working properly.
So, the 24 hour water fast also gives us more energy, vitality, youthfulness, emotional balance, and the ability to see things from an optimistic point of view.
We are more quick to forgive, more aware of ourselves and are able to respond to life instead of re-act.
Some tips for implementing your 24 hour water fast:
- Choose a day that you can rest as you desire.
- Utilize Distilled or Spring Water for the fast. You need water that is clean and pure. Take it a step further and vortex your water.
- Sunbathe in early sunlight or late day sunlight for powerful nutrition via the sun.
- Fill your time with positive affirmations, vision board creations or art that you enjoy on this day.
- Get on the earth to receive valuable earth frequencies for hormonal balance and regeneration.
- Adopt a healthy whole food organic lifestyle prior to the fast so you have fewer detox symptoms.
- Consider doing a castor oil pack on the large intestine or the liver for 1 hour with infrared heat to assist toxin removal.
- Prepare & perform a coffee enema if you get a headache. This will assist the liver to flush out these toxins.
- Take a quality colon cleanser the night of your 24 hour fast. Oxy Powder by Dr. Edward Group is recommended.
- Start your fast after breakfast and go until breakfast the next day. (BREAK the FAST…hence the word breakfast:))
- Have a power packed superfood smoothie for breakfast and the next morning after 24 hours have a green vegetable juice to start the day!
- Enjoy the emotional clearing, clearing of stagnant waste and the reset you gain from this bringing about a more ageless, loving and purified you!
Consider utilizing my recipe video course as a tool to come on and off a fasting program to take your health to a radiant level.
Thanks for stopping by the Sacred Backyard to learn about benefits of the 24 hour water fast.
We discussed the 24 hour water fast benefits, answered many common water fasting questions and gave you some deep insights to consider for deep health!
2 thoughts on “The Potent Benefits of the 24 Hour Water Fast”
This is a well thought out and thorough lesson in water fasting I never knew all these amazing benefits I’ll be sure to share with friends! Light and love
Hey Amanda, thanks so much for your comment and stopping by the Sacred backyard to chat;) The benefits of the 24 hour water fast are truly amazing! Glad you were inspired. The book Fasting by Paul and Patricia Bragg is really great if you want to look into it further. Love and light to you as well! Love, Dodhisattva