Dodee at Harbin Hot Springs

As a young adult living on the Eastern Shore of Ocean City, Maryland, Dodee, the founder of Dodhisattva, stumbled upon an epiphany that would transform her life: food, herbs & botanicals are the royal attendants to a life of health and radiance.

Inspired by her sudden realization, Dodee’s path began to unfold into the world of holistic health, and she hasn’t looked back since.

Dodee moved across the country to California, where she studied and worked alongside other holistic health healers in the industry, conducting workshops, seminars, and conventions.

During this time, she learned about detoxification, natural health remedies, and how to nourish the mind, body, and soul through the internal arts such as Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, Qi Gong & Tai Ji.

Over the years, she has earned several certifications, apprising herself of holistic health topics and modalities to serve others best, helping people heal with natural remedies and modalities designed to work with one’s body.

To learn more about her certifications, visit the bottom of this page.

With a passion for the Healing and Longevity Arts and Natural Remedies, Dodee dedicates her work to educating people on how fasting, prayer, herbs, and medicinal foods can create deep health. 

She realizes that each person is unique and while one diet of plants may serve one, another may thrive as a carnivore.

The common denominator she finds in all beings is the need for a healthy central nervous system.

She shares remedies that allow people to imbibe health solutions on the physical and energetic level to live powerful lives.

About Dodhisattva: Helping People Heal with Natural Remedies

Dodee’s blog, Dodhisattva, was inspired by the concept of a bodhisattva: someone who has compassion & strives for mercy for all beings, including themselves.

Dodhisattva is Dodee’s dedicated brand that continues to give birth to epic remedies that improve the quality of life for all life forms.

Throughout Dodhisattva, a wealth of information is available to assist health-seeking individuals with detox, fasting, medicinal recipes, and remedies to live a radiant, connected life.

From courses, meditations, articles, and books, Dodee has created resources that help people allow natural healing to unfold within themselves.

Updated regularly with new and exciting content, Dodhisattva is a collection of holistic health resources here to inspire you.

Dodee’s various insightful, powerful meditations are available on the Insight Timer app to encourage individuals to find peace and transformation within. These can easily be added to your daily routines.

For those on a similar path, Dodee’s foundational programs on the Health Course Page are the perfect place to start to live a deeper, richer lifestyle.

No matter where you are on your health journey, Dodhisattva can guide you from surviving to thriving, truly transforming your mind, body, and soul.

Here’s to the Original Ancestor Souls, who assist others for the highest good just like you.

Join the community today and become a Sacred Backyard Member.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. ~Rumi

Support Dodhisattva and Lion Conservation Globally

Dodhisattva is proud to donate a portion of the sales from the site to support endangered lions in Africa. If you wish to donate directly to this incredible cause, please visit www.clawsconservancy.org.

lion king portrait wildlife

A portion of the sales from this website goes to support the endangered lions in Africa.

To donate directly visit: clawsconservancy.org

Certifications and Accolades

Klinghardt Institute Certificate ART
A.R.T.2 CPD CertificatDodee Schmitt
Holistic Health Practitioner Certificate
Inner Child Healing Diploma
Body Healing Coach Diploma
Advanced Shadow Mastery Diploma
Diet and Nutritional Advisor Diploma
Spiritual Life Coaching Diploma
NLP Master Practitioner Course
Certificate of Completion
Certificate of Completion
Dodee Schmitt Shaman Apprenticeship
Raw Certificate Dodee Schmitt

What People Are Saying…

Awesome Program!

Thank you for guiding me through a colon cleanse and detox. I learned so much and you helped me to see aspects I would have never thought of had I did it on my own. I feel lighter, brighter and full of energy. I highly recommend Dodee’s Detox Coaching to anyone serious about feeling great and achieving their health goals!

Joelin Ferguson, Los Angeles, CA

Thank you for the Detox Program!

Your program was so helpful. It was like a hidden gem amongst so many cleanses out there. My digestion is so much better and I was able to do the cleanse while working. I appreciate your support with the details I would have never thought of. Thanks Again.

– Andrew Lee, Thousand Oaks, CA

Thank you for all your work!

My family and I had Dodee personally come to our home and help us with lifestyle coaching. She showed us hands-on in our home how to make the most amazing healthy nutritious recipes. We had one on one coaching done for our daughter whom suffered with teenage acne. We so appreciate Dodee and all her education, she is a rare gem.

~ Melissa B. – Malibu, CA

So Glad I chose the Detox Your Living Space Program!

Wow, I had no idea certain products I was using on my hair, skin, and teeth were so toxic. I got so many recipes and insights on upgrade approaches to hygiene and personal care. My kitchen got a whole make over as far as oils I was using, pots/pans that were toxic and certain condiments that were hindering my performance. I really appreciate your help with this, it made a world of difference!

~ Molly Rowlands, Seattle, Washington

Detox Program

I really appreciate the amazing program you put together for me. I got both the living space detox and personal cleansing program. Dodee has some masterful knowledge about health and wellness that is rare in the world today. I feel like I am a new person revived and ready to take on tasks with ease. Thank you so much for all your genius. You really have made a difference!

– Tyler Hoff

Liver Flush Protocol

Dodee has been instrumental in my health and longevity journey. She really gave me a good handle on liver flushing and how to do it like a real master. Her insights allowed me to get results like I had not experienced before. Thanks for your support.

~ George Sohal, Seattle Washington



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