Tantric Numerology & The Ten Bodies of Consciousness

Tantric Numerology is an ancient science that was brought to the west by Yogi Bhajan. Yogi Bhajan was a master of Kundalini Yoga & White Tantric Yoga here in the United States.

My Kundalini Yoga teacher Ram Dass Bir Sing Khalsa was one of Yogi Bhajan’s students.

He has been working with Tantric Numerology for around 28 years! Because of him I have access to this profound technology and am thankful for the opportunity to share it with you.

It is powerful information and I will give a brief innerstanding of what it represents.

Let’s first go over the Ten Bodies of Consciousness.

These are the energy bodies that are a part of us.

We are beyond just our physical body, science has proven this. In tantric Numerology 11 numbers are utilized, 11 being the command center.

Each of these numbers has a significant meaning to you and your life.

It will give you access to whom you were in a past life too, whether it was an entertainer, shaman, healer, king or queen etc.

To provide insight and guidance you can utilize this technology to gather information about your characteristics.

We utilize our Birthday to mathematically solve each of our numbers and how they correspond to the Ten Bodies and the Command Center.

There are in essence 5 characteristics that describe who we are.

Soul- This represents our inward challenge. This number is the connection to inner peace. It is the chain link to the soul and is the soil or foundation in our lives.

Karma- This is our outward challenge and represents the outward conflict we may have with the world. This is important to master in this life in order to over come conlfict.

Gift- Our gift is just as it sounds! It is what the Creator has gifted us with in this lifetime. We must be able to accept in order to receive this gift. I like to think of this as a super power. Each of us is given one.

Destiny- Our Destiny is what we have been working on for many, many lifetimes. This is a strength we can utilize to overcome the other areas of our lives.

Path- For each of us to be fulfilled in this life time we must be living our path. This is where we experience great joy, inner peace and love for this life.

There is so much more information to share on this subject. Each of the Ten Bodies could be described in length but for this article I am just going to list them below.

The Soul Body

The Negative Mental Body

The Positive Mental Body

The Neutral Mental Body

The Physical Body

The ARC Body

The Aura

The Pranic Body

The Subtle Body

The RADIANT body

All Ten Bodies which is the number of 11.

In a nutshell Tantric Numerology Illuminates the Soul, the very essence of our being. When the soul is nourished the physical body will thrive!

5 thoughts on “Tantric Numerology & The Ten Bodies of Consciousness”

  1. Dear, sweet sister Dodee:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to decode my birthday numbers for me! I am truly fascinated by the information you sent me. A lot of that information is spot on with what I’ve done with my life and what I hope to achieve with the rest of my life. 🙂

    The information you provided me really makes a lot of sense to me and I’m going to be practicing the mantras during my daily prayer/meditation/affirmation time (which is everyday at sunset). I relax with a lovely cup of herbal tea and do some deep breathing and focus my mind on the beauty or nature and send out my positive healing energies, prayers & meditations to the universe! I’ve only been doing this for about three months now but it makes a HUGE difference.

    Taking this time each day for myself really feeds my soul!

    (I’m just getting into natural healing and meditation and have never been happier or more self-fulfilled. And, I’m 52 years old and finally have figured out what makes me happy.)

    I’m working with a wonderful herbalist (since April) on treatments for some current health issues I struggle with… I’ve learned how to brew herbal tea decoctions, make healing salves & drawing salves and make my own health tinctures for detoxifying my body!

    All in all, I’m at a period in my life where I’m very content and relaxed – finally!

    I really enjoy reading your blog and look forward to learning more ways to open myself up to all the possibilities of the universe and increase my spirituality even more!

    Love, Hugs, Prayers & Blessings to you and your lovely family!

    Patti (or my spiritual name: Amrit Satya Kaur, which I obtained from https://3ho.org)

    1. Sat Nam (true identity in sanskrit) Amrit Satya Kaur! I am so glad it was an inspiration for you. May you magnify your infinite nature always and yes I will do my best to work on your husband’s numbers.
      With gratitude and love, Dodhisattva

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