In this article, we will explore the most helpful TUDCA benefits and get you up to speed on the latest and greatest superhero in natural medicine and healing.
TUDCA is like that friend who always has your back, the one who shows up with chicken soup when you’re sick.
This microscopic crusader is TUDCA or tauroursodeoxycholic acid.
It is abundant in bear bile; however, supplements on the market are typically synthetic.
It was first synthetically derived in 1954 in Japan.
It is a naturally occurring bile acid in humans that most of us could use a little more of.
What happens is our main bile acids convert into secondary bile acids such as TUDCA.
This isn’t the kind that melts through metal though.
No, TUDCA is more like a gentle, soothing balm for your insides.
Picture your body as a bustling metropolis.
The liver is the waste management plant, the gut is the central highway system, and your cells are the countless buildings that make up this biological city.
TUDCA is like the ultimate urban planner, making sure everything runs smoothly.
In the liver, TUDCA is the cool-headed negotiator, breaking up fights between toxins and your precious liver cells.
It’s like a bouncer at an exclusive club, kicking out the troublemakers (toxins) and letting the VIPs (nutrients) through.
But TUDCA doesn’t stop there.
In your gut, it’s the skilled traffic controller, directing the flow of bile and ensuring your digestive highway doesn’t get clogged up.
It is a key player in your organ’s drainage pathways, especially when it comes to detox and being sure toxins get excreted from the body.
It’s the difference between a smooth commute and a frustrating traffic jam in your intestines.
And let’s talk about our cell health.
TUDCA is like a personal trainer for your mitochondria – you know, those tiny powerhouses in your cells.
It whips them into shape, helping them pump out energy like there’s no tomorrow.
It’s the difference between feeling like a sloth on a lazy Sunday and a bushy-tailed, bright-eyed squirrel on a Friday morning.
TUDCA is also a peacekeeper in your body’s ongoing war against inflammation.
It’s like that level-headed friend who calms everyone down when the group chat gets heated.
“Chill out, immune system,” it seems to say, “not everything is a threat.”
TUDCA is like a protective force field for your neurons.
It’s the bodyguard for your brain cells, fending off the villainous amyloid plaques that want to crash the party in your noggin
TUDCA: the unsung hero of your body, the Jack-of-all-trades in your cellular city, the tiny titan tirelessly toiling to keep you ticking.
TUDCA – your body’s very own superhero.

My Personal Experience with TUDCA Benefits
My first discovery of Tudca was just last year when I started utilizing it while working on my drainage pathways.
It is now one of my very favorite supplements that I will not be without.
It helped me to easily incorporate advanced detox methods into my routine because of its gentle yet powerful ability to clear the body of systemic toxins.
Using it in an enema was a game changer for me to really clear toxins.
I share the TUDCA enema recipe below.
In this post, I will go over the astounding TUDCA benefits I have either experienced or researched so you can see if this is a good supplement to add to your natural medicine toolbox.
If you read the blog regularly you know I am big on drainage before embarking on any detox regime.
You can learn more about the drainage funnel in my post here.
Drainage Support:
One of TUDCA’s most crucial roles is in supporting drainage, which is essential during detoxification processes.
Here’s how TUDCA benefits drainage:
- Bile Flow Enhancement: TUDCA stimulates the release of bile into the digestive tract1.
This increased bile flow helps flush toxins from the liver and gallbladder, supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes.
- Liver Detox Support: TUDCA supports all three phases of liver detoxification, with a particular focus on phase III, which involves bile movement5.
This comprehensive support ensures that toxins are not only processed by the liver but also effectively eliminated from the body.
This was a huge realization for me when I saw that TUDCA benefits all the liver phases of detox.
This is huge for the complete removal of toxic debris from the body. - Kidney Function: While primarily known for its liver benefits, TUDCA benefits kidney function, another crucial aspect of the body’s drainage system3.
- Gut Health: By promoting a healthy gut lining and supporting the gut microbiome, TUDCA helps maintain proper intestinal drainage, preventing the reabsorption of toxins10.
And if you realize how important that key piece is to ensuring that you don’t go through terrible detox symptoms you will want to grab a bottle of TUDCA now.
When detoxing, proper drainage is essential to prevent the reabsorption of toxins and minimize detox symptoms.
When drainage is working correctly, you won’t have any kinks in the hose, so to speak, and your bowels will be healthy and moving along.
TUDCA’s ability to support multiple drainage pathways makes it a valuable ally in any detoxification protocol.
Beyond drainage support here are more TUDCA benefits I think you should know about.

Key TUDCA Benefits
- Inflammation Fighter:
TUDCA has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
It can reduce inflammatory responses in various cells and tissues, potentially benefiting conditions like spinal cord injury and ulcerative colitis.
By calming inflammation throughout the body, TUDCA may help alleviate symptoms of chronic inflammatory conditions and support overall health.
- Protein Folding Fixer:
TUDCA acts as a chemical chaperone, helping proteins fold correctly.This is crucial for cellular health and has shown promise in treating conditions like Fanconi anemia.
Proper protein folding is essential for maintaining cellular function and preventing the accumulation of misfolded proteins, which can lead to various health issues.Many neurological disorders are a result of misfolded proteins.
- Autoimmunity Ally:
By reducing inflammation and supporting proper protein folding, TUDCA may help mitigate autoimmune responses.This could potentially benefit individuals suffering from autoimmune disorders by modulating the immune system’s overactive responses.
- Leaky Gut Healer:
TUDCA supports a healthy gut lining, potentially preventing and improving leaky gut syndrome.It enhances intestinal barrier function by increasing levels of tight junction molecules.
This helps maintain the integrity of the gut lining, preventing unwanted substances from entering the bloodstream and potentially triggering immune responses.
Most people could really use help in this area in our modern world of toxins from glyphosate to heavy metals in our air, water, and food. - Liver Lover:
TUDCA is like a spa day for your liver.It helps stimulate bile flow, which is crucial for detoxing and keeping your liver happy.
By promoting healthy bile production and flow, TUDCA supports the liver’s natural detoxification processes, helping to remove toxins and waste products more efficiently.
- Bone Density Booster:
Surprisingly, TUDCA shows promise for improving bone density.Studies in ovariectomized mice found that TUDCA increased bone volume, and mineral density.
This could have significant implications for those at risk of osteoporosis or looking to maintain strong bones as they age.
- Cellular Superhero:
TUDCA supports your mitochondria – the powerhouses of your cells.
This means more energy and better overall cellular health which is crucial for living a vital life and being able to detoxify your body properly.
By protecting mitochondrial function, TUDCA may help improve energy production at the cellular level, potentially benefiting overall vitality and reducing fatigue.
- Brain Booster:
Some studies suggest TUDCA may have neuroprotective properties, making it a potential ally in brain health.
It may help protect against neurodegenerative conditions by reducing oxidative stress and supporting healthy brain cell function.

Incorporating the TUDCA Benefits into your Protocol
Incorporating TUDCA:
There are several ways to incorporate TUDCA into your health routine:
- Oral Supplementation:
TUDCA supplements are widely available. Start with a low dose and gradually increase as tolerated.
You can get TUDCA here. - TUDCA Enemas:
You can try a TUDCA enema.These enemas help flush the bile ducts, relieve liver and gallbladder congestion, and provide symptom relief for issues like anxiety, constipation, and fatigue.
- Combination Therapy:
TUDCA can be used in conjunction with other liver-supporting supplements like milk thistle, dandelion root, and NAC for a synergistic effect on detoxification and liver health.
TUDCA Enema: Step-by-Step Guide
Prepare the solution:
- Mix 1 cup of warm distilled water with 1 capsule (500 mg) of TUDCA
- Stir until TUDCA is fully dissolved
- Choose your equipment:
- Use a clean Fleet enema bottle or enema bucket
- Fill the enema container:
- Pour the TUDCA solution into your chosen container
- Get comfortable:
- Lay on your left side on a towel near the bathroom
- Insert and administer:
- Gently insert the nozzle into the rectum
- Slowly release the solution into the colon
- Hold the solution:
- Try to retain the liquid for up to 20 minutes
- If you can’t hold it that long, aim for at least 6 minutes
- Release:
- When ready, move to the toilet and expel the solution
Remember to consult with your health care practitioner before attempting a TUDCA enema.

Advanced Level TUDCA Coffee Enema
For an enhanced detoxification experience, consider adding a TUDCA capsule to your coffee enema solution.
This advanced version may provide additional support for liver function and bile production, potentially aiding in the removal of parasites, mold, heavy metals, and fungi.
To prepare:
- Follow your standard coffee enema preparation method.
- Once the coffee solution has cooled to a comfortable temperature, add the contents of one TUDCA capsule (typically 500mg) to the mixture.
- Stir well to ensure the TUDCA is fully dissolved.
- Proceed with the enema as you normally would.
It’s important to note that this is an advanced-level detoxification method.
Always consult with your healthcare practitioner before incorporating TUDCA or any new supplements into your enema routine, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking medications.
For more information on the basic coffee enema procedure and its benefits, please refer to my complete guide to coffee enemas here.