TaiJi | Activating Light & Stabilizing Connection

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TaiJi | Activating Light & Stabilizing Connection

TaiJi, or Tai Chi practice, is one of many ways to work on our character, human body, and flexibility in both the inner and outer worlds.

Our body’s energy systems are balanced through a Tai Ji Practice.

We are free to open up to the grand landscape within us, which contains the truth to any answer we seek.

We expand into our light body to fully activate the energy systems while fostering a connection with the elements and the earth.

This is the balance of yin and yang energy.

We expand consciousness and create a powerful connection with Infinity.

The Tao is said to be the natural order of the Universe.

Tao also means “The Way.”

It is not a forceful approach to life but a way of life that instead focuses on harmonizing with the “all that is.”

It leads to a more significant expansion in awareness and the subtleties of life.

It recognizes that, first and foremost, before this body, we are energy beings.

The practice also fine-tunes the body and the inherent energy systems of the body.

Even though I started Tai Ji later, I was reading about the Tao in Middle School.

I remember the first book I read, The Tao of Pooh.

In a short snippet, it is a book about staying happy and calm in all circumstances.

This was when my spiritual journey began, or at least one of the pivotal moments when I became aware of my consciousness expanding.

Tai Ji Benefits | Moving Meditation

Tai Ji Benefits | Moving Meditation

Each who practices martial arts has to feel the connection to experience the benefits for themselves.

Taiji is a moving meditation, which is an internal art.

It has a spiritual center that connects us to all of life.

While cultivating flexibility and skills from an outward perspective, much is happening around us and internally.

As we recognize, we are more than the body form; we start to work with the field around us, affecting our energy body and systems.

We also harness internal power, cleaning our field and activating our light body. 

We regain power from external factors, people, places, and things.

We may notice our energy harmonized, or we don’t have cord attachments from other things we once did. 

This is the integrity and discipline that comes from the practice.

Below is my all-time favorite quote by Carlos Castaneda

“Discipline Makes the Glowing Coat of Awareness Unpalatable to the Predator.”

This quote signifies how much our energy body plays into our physical world.

And the discipline to keep our energy body well-tuned to keep on the path.

Yogi Bhajan used to say, “Keep Up, and You Will Be Kept Up.” 

This is the way. 

When we keep up our energetic and physical bodies, we can go through life well-prepared for the journey ahead.

Body Strength through Martial arts

While a spiritual internal focus is a profound aspect of Tai Chi, the body, bones, meridian lines, and organ system are also significantly strengthened.

A warm-up may consist of stretches that even strengthen the eyes and ears.

We practice “washing” our face with Chi, allowing us to bathe in this healing energy.

Tapping key accu-pressure points and allowing energy to flow through the meridian systems creates our healing sanctuary.

Through practice, our bones are strengthened, and tensile strength is achieved.

This strength type differs from muscle building but has more inner ligament flexibility and strength.

You notice many deep stances like Mabu in the Taiji system.

Not only does this harness great strength in the lower body, but it cultivates mental fortitude.

It allows the upper body and spine to relax into correct alignment.

We practice “washing” our face with Chi, allowing us to bathe in this healing energy.

Tapping key accu-pressure points and allowing energy to flow through the meridian systems creates our healing sanctuary.

Through the practice, our bones are strengthened, and tensile strength is achieved.

You notice many deep stances like Mabu in the Taiji system.

Not only does this harness great strength in the lower body, but it cultivates mental fortitude.


Tai Ji as a Morning Routine

You might enjoy the magical morning routine on the shop page here.

This is a great place to start with a foundational tai chi morning stretch routine.

It connects you to the heavens and the earth while working on flexibility.

We work on the energy washing with our Chi and encouraging the flow through the meridian lines.

As the subtle body is recognized and nourished, we can increasingly activate the light body.

This all happens through a more profound reverence for the physical body as the deep stances are worked on anchoring the Chi.

TaiJi and Tai Chi martial arts and self mastery

Self Mastery through Tai chi

You can see that because we focus on so many aspects of our being in this practice, it becomes a way to self-mastery.
Our most challenging blocks come from the mind and its unhealthy programming.

As a moving meditation, Tai chi allows us to tune in to our inner world.

Through practice, our thoughts slow down, allowing us to recognize old patterns, clean up our thoughts, and sharpen our minds.

We can see more than meets the eye as we tap into the energy fields around us.

We can look outside ourselves and blame external experiences for our reality. But is this the way?

The more we realize that we are the solution, the more we recognize that we are a microcosm of the macrocosm.

With this insight, it becomes not a task of looking outside ourselves but working on the inner landscape of ourselves.

This, in turn, reflects our outer experience.

As consciousness expands, we realize we have the answers we seek inside ourselves.

That humbling power must be used wisely.

Tai Ji becomes a beautiful harmony with Infinity.

It is a way to remember who we truly are.

What is beautiful is that the body becomes more healthy and resilient as a result.

This makes sense because as consciousness recognizes itself, the body it lives through will ultimately gain strength and fortitude.

We can cultivate more intentional thought and again take our power back.
As we develop a healthier esteem, we learn humility and grace.

The body and mind become better, stronger, and wiser because of it.

We come to realize that a beginner’s mind is a masterful mind.

Staying open and curious keeps us light, radiant, and activated.

After all, we are the light.

“He who conquers others has force. He who conquers himself is strong.”

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