Mold Detox: Could Mold Be the Reason You Feel Tired All the Time?


A mold detox requires you to have a well-functioning drainage funnel.

You will want to make sure your


Liver, Bile Ducts

Kidney & Bladder

Lymphatic System



Glymphatic System ( your brain’s drainage system)

…are optimized in order to remove mold from your body.

You can see a whole post I did on the lymph map here. 

The lymphatic system is so important when it comes to detoxification of toxins such as mold.

This fluid can be moved with things such as rebounding, lymphatic drainage massage, and red light therapy.

Red light therapy can increase blood flow and oxygenation.

You can find videos online to do self-lymphatic drainage techniques.

Once the drainage pathways and lymphatic system are optimized, you want to ensure your mitochondria are getting charged up and can handle a detox.

Support the mitochondria with key nutrients such as thiamine and red light therapy to restore energy production and enhance cellular detox.

Otherwise, you will feel exhausted and likely have other uncomfortable symptoms, as we discuss later in this article.

Then use targeted binders to safely remove mycotoxins from the body.

Finally, address deeper infections or pathogens that thrive in a mold-compromised system. 

This would be things like Lyme and co-infections that are very common these days.

A phased approach prevents detox reactions and ensures long-term recovery.

This is what we will cover in-depth throughout this post. 

mold detox symptoms (1)

Personal Experiences with  Moldy Buildings

In my own experience, I rented a space and realized there was mold in the closet underneath the carpeted flooring. 

I believe what had happened was the hot water heater that was in there leaked at some point.

When we went to pull it up, my eyes got so itchy as the mycotoxins pervaded the entire space.

See, this is where the real issue with mold comes in.

The mycotoxins bloom, and this is what really hurts your health.

Now, this was just a very small area in a closet, but all the items in there had to be thrown out, and thankfully, we were leaving on a two-week vacation the next day, so I could get out of there.

We had someone come and safely remove it as best they could, and then we replaced the carpet with bamboo flooring.

Who knows how many times we are exposed to mold, as it is a part of life.

And you know where there is usually lots of mold?

Basements, hotels, and Airbnbs.

But of course, it can even be in new builds, believe it or not.

In fact, before you rent or buy, you should have a mold inspection.

Later, I will share the best approach to mold inspection.

Rental spaces are big culprits too.

Before moving into a new space, ask about water damage and leaks. 

I remember renting a house in Arizona for a month to visit with my parents, and the garbage disposal reeked of mold in that drain.

The most important thing we can all do is keep our inner terrain healthy and keep our mindset out of fear and into a solution-oriented approach at our best.

You can also do a very cheap yet effective test to check your vision for the mycotoxins vcs test here.

From the inside of walls having mold that no one knows about to leaky pipes that cause bathroom leaks, there are many ways we are exposed to mold issues in a home.

One thing I highly advise is to do a mold check around your house each month. 

Go around to the crawl spaces, under the sinks, and all the spots that are most susceptible, such as the laundry room, and do a check for leaks.

Another time that I found a small amount of mold was on a plastic tub of clothes in my closet.

The condensation from the cold caused mold to grow around where the tub was sitting on the floor.

It was not much mold, but it caused me symptoms of bladder frequency, and as soon as I cleaned it up and then used the protocol I am sharing with you, my symptoms stopped.

Mold can be super sneaky.

A colleague of mine said that even the best mold inspectors never found her mold issue, which made her think she was just plain crazy.

But the best way to know is to get a mold dog.

Yup, you heard that right: there are dogs trained to find mold in the most hard-to-find spots!

fleet enema

What are Mold  Symptoms?

This is not an exhaustive list, but these are common symptoms associated with mold illness, which often leads to CIRS, or the Chronic Inflammatory Response System.

Please note many of these symptoms can also be associated with other types of illnesses so it is important to find out the root cause of your issues with a skilled practitioner.

Common Symptoms of Mold-Related Illness (CIRS)

Respiratory Issues:

  • Frequent sinus congestion, chronic cough, sneezing, sore throat, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, worsening or new-onset asthma

Cognitive Challenges:

  • Brain fog, trouble concentrating, memory lapses, difficulty processing new information, struggling to recall words

Skin Reactions:

  • Dry, irritated skin, rashes, unexplained itching

Digestive Distress:

  • Bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, food intolerances, leaky gut, metallic taste in the mouth

Sleep Disruptions:

  • Insomnia, frequent night waking, night sweats

Muscle & Joint Pain:

  • Aching muscles, joint discomfort, morning stiffness

Mood & Emotional Imbalances:

  • Anxiety, depression, mood swings, increased irritability

Nervous System Symptoms:

  • Dizziness, headaches, numbness, tingling, tremors, balance and coordination issues, sharp “ice-pick” pains, temperature regulation problems, static shocks, seizure-like episodes

    The nervous system takes a real hit when exposed to toxins such as mold. 

    You may want to read my post on the nervous system regulation here.

Energy & Metabolic Problems:

  • Persistent fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, unexplained sluggishness

Eye Sensitivities:

  • Blurred vision, itchy or irritated eyes, light sensitivity

Chemical & Scent Sensitivity:

  • Strong reactions to fragrances, chemicals, and environmental toxins (multiple chemical sensitivity)

Urinary Changes:

  • Increased urination, urgency, and occasional incontinence
  • It can mimic Interstitial Cystitis like symptoms

Weight & Appetite Fluctuations:

  • Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight, inconsistent appetite

Weakened Immune Function:

  • Autoimmune conditions, flu-like symptoms, frequent illnesses, increased sensitivity to foods and chemicals
enema bag

How To Detox Mold

First, as long as you have removed yourself from the environment, you can start here.

While some people are unable to leave the environment right away, you can still work on drainage and lessen the burden until you can get out of the moldy environment.

However, it really won’t get better until you are out of the moldy place.

What I mean by drainage is taking the time to ensure your bowels are moving each and every day. 

1-3 bowel movements per day is a must before you embark on a mold detox.

This is because if you start using binders without optimal drainage, you will be in a lot of pain.

The more the toxins back up, the worse it will be with aches, pains, rashes, and all kinds of weird symptoms.

Believe me, I have heard many stories of people having issues with mold detox because they try to do this without addressing the drainage funnel.

For example, I had really bad neck pain when detoxing mold, and this is a sign somewhere in the drainage funnel that there is a blockage. 

Let’s go through the drainage funnel to get a clear picture of what we need to focus on.

detox benefits

Drainage Funnel for Mold  Detox

First, get the bowels moving. This lets us know the gut is healthy and functioning as it should.

Focus on 1-3 well-formed bowel movements per day.

How can we achieve this?

You will need minerals and mitochondrial support.

So, focus on getting minerals and electrolytes and eating foods that have some fiber to keep the bowels moving.

Whole organic fruit is a good approach as it also cleanses the lymphatic system.

The health of the liver is next in that drainage funnel and also supports healthy bowel movements.

If it is stressed out and not working effectively, everything can get stopped up, and the pipes will get stopped up and can “kink.”

A great example is my own story of how when I started to up my binders without enough lymph and drainage flushing my neck “kinked” up.

This means I need to pull back on the binders and focus on lymph and drainage before progressing.

Bile must be moving for the liver to get the toxins out.

You also want to eat liver-supporting foods such as whole fruits, veggies (well-cooked if you don’t tolerate them raw), and herbs like dandelion, chance piedra, and burdock root.

Milk thistle is often used to support the liver; however, it does have mild estrogen effects if you avoid phytoestrogens.

One of the best supplements during mold toxicity detox, in my opinion, is TUDCA

This is crucial for moving the bile so that toxins can exit the body.

It really supports the liver in doing its job.

liver health formula

Binding and Clearing Mold Toxins

When it comes to a mold toxicity detox you have to be aware that it is the mycotoxins the mold generates that really hinders our health.

How Mold Blooms

When mold is not properly remediated tons of spores infiltrate your home and cause the symptoms we discussed above.

You want to ensure you have binders that will specifically clean up these mycotoxin colonies in your body.

Go for bioactive carbons from humic and fulvic acids.

This is a deeper cleaning and should be approached slowly.

When I advise people on specific binders, we start with a sprinkling of the powder carbon before advancing to scoops, for example.

How long does mold detox last?

It may take several months to a full year or longer. 

It truly depends on the individual, how well there body dumps toxins and what your budget is or lifestyle.

You need to work with a qualified practitioner to know how long to go for so they can properly test you.

Some people need to take it very slow and others sail through it.

When it comes to mold detox, it can make you extremely tired.

Adjunct Therapies for Mold Detox

Adjunct therapies like saunas to help sweat toxins out can be super helpful so that your system is not overwhelmed.

And if your liver is just sluggish and you feel brain fog a coffee enema may be appropriate.

I have an article dedicated to how to do a coffee enema here and I wrote a book on coffee enemas here.

coffee enema bag

Key Nutrients During Mold Toxicity Detox

If I had to pick two key nutrients people need during a mold toxicity detox it would be magnesium and B vitamins.

It is astonishing how much of these nutrients requires when dealing with chronic health challenges such as mold toxicity.

Magnesium will help the drainage funnel and the nervous system.

The B vitamins will support the mitochondria, liver, and nervous system.

This aids in calm energy production.

Vital Healthy Recipes

Mold Toxicity Diet

Foods that are often moldy are things in the bulk section such as grains.

Nuts and legumes are at high risk for aflatoxins, especially peanuts.

If you get those items, you will want to make sure you are getting them as fresh as possible, sprouted, and/or well-sealed.

My biological dentist is also a farmer, and he swears by eating fresh, fresh, fresh.

He grows his own peas and beans and avocadoes etc.

When I go to get a cleaning, he loads me up with citrus, avocadoes, and all kinds of fresh goods.

When you are doing a mold detox, you will want to think about what foods you are consuming and keep in mind the foods that can make you feel great and those that don’t!

Think fresh versus processed.

Supportive Foods During Mold Detox

Spirulina and chlorella can be helpful in providing deep nourishment while binding to toxins.

Bitter greens can support the liver in clearing toxic bile.

Carrots can help bind endotoxins, while lemon and lime can help alkalinize the tissues.

Cruciferous veggies can be ideal to boost your glutathione levels as well as avocadoes.

These are just a few examples.

You might love some of my free nutrient-rich recipes here.

If you want a full recipe video course, you can check out my high vibe recipe course here.

As a main rule of thumb, keep your diet fresh, organic, and unprocessed.

Stay away from things that inflame the gut, such as gluten, wheat, and junk food.

 Mold Detox Questions

Should I take probiotics during a mold toxicity detox?

You need to get rid of the toxins that are harming your gut first. Stop eating foods that are full of glyphosate. Although even organic foods may have residue to cross contamination it is a better way to live and eat to avoid it. Eat foods that are less susceptible to mold like grains, wheat and peanuts. Use binders like bioactive carbon and zeolites in powder form to avoid further metal contamination from liquid tinctures.

Start here before you reseed your gut with key strains such as L Reuteri and Akkermansia.

Another important strain when recovering from mold is Saccharomyces Boulardii. It helps prevent the gut from reabsorbing mold.

When you are at the stage to repopulate your gut bacteria and lay new soil you can check out my post on how to make L Retueri Yogurt here.

If the gut is severely damaged you may need to use L Glutamine, Bone Broth and Butyrate to seal up your gut lining first.

You want bioavailable humic and fulvic acids such as bioactive carbons. Look for zeolite powders. Clean clays, chlorella and activated charcoal can help as well. Just be careful with activated charcoal as it can also steal minerals and nutrients.

Mold detox can make you tired as your immune system works to kick the toxins out. Getting adequate rest, nutrient rich foods and a whole food b vitamin supplement is key. 

Mold detox can cause nausea, especially when your drainage funnel is backed up, and you detox too quickly.

Remember to stop the binders if this is happening and go back to ensuring your drainage system is fully open and working.

Mold Detox Conclusion

Mold detox takes time and must be done in a step-by-step process while ensuring you are using binders that truly work. 

The ones I use must be bought by a qualified practitioner, so if you want more information on them, feel free to contact me, and I can set you up.

You want quality binders that will do the job and not cause more issues.

Remember to open up the drainage system and utilize adjunct therapies such as saunas and even red light therapy to detox mold and charge up the mitochondria.

Probiotics should be considered after you get the toxins out of the gut and after repairing it with butyrate.

Mold can cause a ton of symptoms that also mimic other issues.

If you know you have been exposed to mold there is a good chance you need a mold detox. 

It takes time and effort but it will be well worth it.

The other thing to note is if you suspect parasites (which most everyone now has) you typically need to get rid of them first.

Here is a post I did on parasite cleansing.

I hope this post was helpful. If I can help you with your detox strategy feel free to get in touch with me.

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