This post guides you on how to detox plastics from your body, specifically nano & microplastics.
We will examine the primary source of exposure and then discuss the top 3 ways to remove these toxins from the body safely.
We will also cover why it is necessary to detox plastics for optimal body health.
Leading experts in natural medicine share that we ingest about one credit card worth of plastics per person every week.
This is alarming, so I intend to help you affordably and effectively remove plastics from your body regularly.

Why Detox Plastics From Your Body?
- Hormone Disruption
Our hormone matrix is deeply affected by nano and microplastics. These plastics cause imbalances in the endocrine system. The chemicals create a range of issues, such as reproductive issues, development disorders in children, and possibly cancers, especially hormone-related cancers.
2. Celluar Damage & Oxidation
When we are exposed to toxins at alarming levels such as we are today this leads to major stress on the cells. Our bodies naturally can handle some stress but when the system is overwhelmed with foreign particles much damage is caused.
This leads to gene mutations, chronic disease and accelerated aging.
3. Inflammation & Immune Response
The tissues in the body become inflamed when these plastics are in our bodies and become lodged in our tissues. Largely we are inhaling them and ingesting them from our toxic environment.
Over time if they are not eliminated from the body it sets us up for diseases like cancer, cardiovascular issues and more.

How are We Exposed to Nano Plastics?
There are many ways we get exposed to plastics on a daily basis.
One of the leading ways we ingest these nano plastics is through the air we breathe.
Unfortunately we are being sprayed with aluminum, nanoplastics and other toxins.
The main exposure is then via the air, water and soil not the plastic bags and bottles.
Of course the bags, bottles and plastics foods come in are contributors but they are not the main issue.
How To Limit Exposure?
We can do what we can when it comes to controlling our environmental exposure.
This means using reusable produce bags not made of plastic or cleaning our fruits and vegetables upon bringing them home with a clean water and peroxide solution.
Now they offer different produce cleaning solutions that may help to clean up the produce.
Next when we get an item like blueberries in a plastic container we can put it in glass after washing instead.
Use reusable containers not made of plastic and buy in bulk. You can store many things in glass mason jars.
Air, Soil, Water Exposure Tips
Although we can talk to our local legislators about the spraying of these toxins in our environment and start voicing our issues with these poisons we can only do so much until people wake up in masses.
In this situation we can implore means of detoxification such as with detox baths, ionic foot baths and my top 3 key detox methods.

Top 3 Plastics Detox Methods
- Broccoli Sprouts
Broccoli sprouts are extremely valuable for detoxing microplastics because they contain high levels of sulforaphane.
Sulphorophane is a potent antioxidant that helps activate enzymatic actions for detox.
It will help support and clean up the liver, especially phase II detoxification.
The liver has most of the load during detox, so you must support this organ in today’s environment.
Sulforaphane plays a key role in boosting the body’s glutathione levels, and it is a master antioxidant in your body.
It gets depleted with age and in stressful times or toxin build-up.
Lastly, the mighty broccoli sprout can help repair damaged proteins in the body because they help us create heat shock proteins.
Heat shock proteins help us during times of cellular stress.
It helps us with cellular integrity and to prevent mutations.
Looking for the most affordable option?
Start growing your broccoli sprouts, and get your broccoli seeds here.
- Chlorella
Chlorella helps the gut to produce healthy bacteria.
It is a potent detoxifier that can bind to toxins like microplastics to be excreted in the feces.
This helps to lessen the burden on the kidneys.
Chlorellas’ nutrient-dense profile helps our body produce more glutathione and anti-oxidants to combat plastics.
It builds our immune system and provides vital nutrients to keep the toxins moving out of our systems.
- Progesterone
Progesterone can help keep the liver in top shape.
This hormone plays a role in:
- gut function,
- immune response
- inflammatory response
- and antioxidant production.
I recommend checking your levels to ensure they are in the top range for your age bracket.
You can easily get a blood test to check for this.
If your progesterone levels are not optimized, consider cleaning up your liver first.
If that does not work look to my post on Wild Yam Cream to help your body produce it naturally.
Lastly, you can try your own DIY progesterone, where you take vitamin E and progesterone powder and apply it to the gums in the mouth.
This will bypass the liver so that it is properly absorbed into the body.
Don’t want to make your own? Try this version of Progesterone on Amazon.

Bonus Tip
Your gut health is crucial to detox microplastics.
Be sure to include organic sources of fiber to handle all the toxins in the environment, including nanoplastics.
This will help to remove the toxic waste.
Be sure you are getting enough minerals, such as an electrolyte supplement and plenty of magnesium.
Check out my post on how to make L Reuteri Yogurt to repair and heal your guts here.
Conclusion How To Detox Plastics from Your Body
This post was all about how to detox plastics from your body.
We covered my top 3 methods on how to detox plastics from your body which were:
- Broccoli Sprouts
- Chlorella
- Progesterone
and my BONUS tip, which was keeping the gut healthy with fiber, l reuteri yogurt, minerals, and proper hydration.
Adding a little high-quality salt to your distilled water is a great way to do that.
You can also add a bit of magnesium bicarbonate to your water as well.
Nanoplastics are a huge issue these days but are not talked about much at all.
To stay healthy, you must help keep your liver and gut in top shape.
The above methods will help you support your liver and all phases of detoxification.
If you want to learn more, I suggest you read my post on the Top 5 Detox Pathways here.
This was all about how to detox plastics from your body. Let me know what your method is or how I may serve you.