Raw Vegan Everything bagel recipe

Who does not love a raw everything bagel with cream cheese? However maybe you were drawn to this post to learn a healthier version of a bagel.
Over the weekend I made an epic version of raw vegan everything bagels with “cream cheese”, only these have no dairy and are not cooked!
In this post I will provide an awesome raw vegan everything bagel recipe with “cream cheese”.
I think the best way to serve them is slightly warm out of the dehydrator.
why make a healthier version of bagels?
I wanted to make a healthy version of a bagel so that I was not feeling the effects of eating white flour, white sugar and highly heated cooked food.
I am not sure you can even count white sugar and white flour as foods. They are so toxic to the body.
Sugar damages the organs and cross links your skin. If you want rapid aging eat white flour and white sugar often.
As we age we lose our enzyme potential. So it is a good idea to eat foods rich with enzymes. Enzymes are protein molecules with electricity running through them.
We need enzymes for the body to run efficiently and manufacture healthy hormones, energy and vitality.
White flour makes your insides sticky and gooey. It gums up your liver and makes it hard to absorb vital nutrients to keep you healthy and youthful.
If you want low energy keep eating highly heated cooked foods because they are depleted of life force and are very hard to digest.
When you are young you can get away with alot of garbage eating. But if you want to live a healthy, quality life without sickness and disease then its best you add some living enzyme rich foods into your life style.
Try recipes like this one so you can still have the illusion of eating a bagel without the toxicity of white flour and white sugar.

equipment you Will need
For one a dehydrator is essential. My favorite is the Samson dehydrator. It is not all plastic like the excalibur I used to have. I love the glass front so I can watch what is happening in the dehydrator.
Other equipment
Vitamix Blender and if you are going to really start making a lot of healthier versions of recipes you want to invest in a good blender like that as well as the dehydrator.
raw vegan bagel recipe

Raw Vegan Everything Bagels w/ “cream cheese”
- 3/4 cup organic cashews
- 3 packs coconut meat
- 1-3 tsp freeze dried miso powder
- Sea Salt to Taste
- Apple Cider Vinegar just to blend
- 3 scoops puradyme probiotics
Bagel Recipe
- 3 cups fresh organic raw ground flax seed
- 1 cup raw organic almonds
- 1 cup sunflower seeds
- 1 cup oil
- 1-2 carrots
- 1 large red bell pepper
- 1/4-1/2 onion
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1/2 cup Fresh herbs of your choice

Recipe Nutrition Video Course
Would you like to make healthy high vibe versions of toxic junk foods? You will love my Renegade Recipe Nutrition Video Course. Learn how to make pizza, pasta, dessert and burgers with a healthy high vibe twist.