Effective Healing Prayers for the Sick: Howard Wills’ Concise Prayer Program


Healing Prayers for the Sick. Transformational Concise Prayer Program as Taught By Howard Wills. Allow in blessings and transformation and attune to a higher frequency of living.

These healing prayers are for the sick or for those wanting to improve their lives, experience miracles, and experience deep peace. 

This is a free guided version of myself reciting the prayers so you can meditate, relax, and soak in the message.

Experience the miraculous benefits of these prayers as you clear the blocks from allowing in the stream of blessings always there awaiting you.

Our life is our prayer, & the more we bless and love life, the more it will love and bless us.

With the holy spirit energy, miraculous healing is something people share they experience after soaking in and reciting the prayers, bringing healing to mind and body.

I have witnessed calls with Howard where people have transformations with physical ailments.

Will it work for everyone? That is an individual experience, but these free prayers may be worth trying. 

Physical issues and Mental issues do require a whole soul and body approach. We are first energy beings.

Enter a higher frequency and attuned awareness of the truth of life around you—experience for yourself by creating a practice for at least 40 days.

For more information reflected in the story of Howard Wills and the Prayers, head to Howard’s website at Howardwills.com.