So what do you do now? These different antibiotics and synthetic drugs can create detrimental effects on the body.
The good news is every problem has a solution.
One of the main challenges with birth control is it seriously depletes the bodies Vitamin B6 levels.
This is a huge player when it comes to the health and well being of your gallbladder which translates to healthy digestion, skin and hair.
When the body is depleted of its Vitamin B6 levels because of birth control, antibiotics, HRT and even recreational drugs the gallbladder can no longer hold the bile salts in suspension. B6 is required in order to assist insulin resistance.
It is involved in many metabolic functions such as amino acid metabolism. With out healthy bile flow our bodies can not perform optimally.
If you experience:
- Burping
- Gas
- Dry Hair
- Bumps on skin
- Unhealthy skin
Then this could be a great protocol for you. In 4-6 months you will have the most radiant hair and skin!
This protocol was created by Dr. Bob Marshall of Premier Research Labs. Below is a way to clear the debris from the gallbladder and saturate the body with Vitamin B6 in a clean, excipient free form.
If you no longer have a gallbladder this is still a very important protocol to take on.
Step 1:
Begin by taking 1-2 tsp. of Gallbladder ND each day for about 4-6 months.
This will saturate the cells with vitamin b6 and make up for lost times:)
The highly revered Gold Coin Grass will help to dissolve any stones that are in the gallbladder amongst other potent herbs. Depending on your size you will take 1-3 tsp. per day.
We suggest taking this slowly over several hours. The best way to do this is create a morning cocktail. Put the Gallbladder Nano Detox into 16 oz. of water and sip over several hours. This will act like an immune drip and give better results.
Step 2:
Then after about 3-4 weeks you will start doing two coffee enemas per week. This will help to clear the gallbladder and dislodge anything sedating energy flow to the gallbladder. You will continue this protocol for the next 4 months.
After you have done this protocol we highly recommend taking a reliable Vitamin B6 supplement. 1/2 tsp a day if using our excipient free vitamin b6 to ensure the body is nourished with this vitamin.
For more info on the coffee enema please see my coffee enema book here.
I suggest utilizing only our premiere coffee to do the enemas as it tests on all 4 polarities of the body and is free of pesticides and mycotoxins.
I suggest taking your enema in in two rounds. Do half of it for 10 minutes and then the second half for the next 10 minutes.
Enjoy the power of this protocol and post your results in the comments section below. I
recommend spacing out your coffee enemas so that your electrolyte balance is not disturbed. I also recommend making sure your hydrate properly and ensure you are getting your minerals through green grass powders after your enema. A great supplement after an enema is magnesium oil. Spray this on the skin about 7-14 pumps to re-mag the body!