The Magic And Medicine of The Sage Shrub


In this article we will explore the mage and medicine of the Sage shrub.

The sage shrub is one of the medicinal plants and is found in many herbal medicinal remedies.

It is commonly used to help stimulate the immune system, aid in fighting off infections, and help with digestion.

Physical & Emotional Health Benefits of Sage

The health benefits of sage are many. One of the health benefits of sage is that it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, which helps fight off the bacteria that causes colds and coughs.

Sage is also very beneficial for people who have a weak immune system. In addition, sage is also an excellent antioxidant that can be used to aid a person’s body in fighting off diseases.

When you’re feeling down or upset, there might be nothing more powerful than a sage plant.

It can lift the darkest mood and heal depression or negative energy.

The smell of fresh-picked sage is a scent that conjures up memories of summer, and in many Western and Native American cultures its spiritual significance is just as strong.

For me it peels the onion of the illusion of this realm to remind me of the truth of my essence.

The magical and medicinal qualities of Sage are the main reason for its popularity. People just feel it on a deep level when they use a smudge stick.

My Magical Experience with Wild Shasta Sage

My recent first hand experience of communing with wild Shasta sage was a rich spiritual experience.

I had my heart set on finding wild Shasta sage. I had a few intuitive ideas of where it as growing.

At first I noticed lots of the wild rabbit’s brush growing.

Rabbits brush is all over this area and has a structure similar to some parts of a sage shrub.

As I was led to a dirt road off the beaten path I started to walk the terrain just admiring the landscape and the majesty of the mountain.

Getting a feel for the land and the different wild plants I past I recognized how they truly each have their own part in the web of life.

The world is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. ~ W. B. Yeats

Then as I looked down there was one small shrub that very much resembled sage. I took my fingers and gently glided over apart of the plant and then took a inhale in.

My eyes wide I new it was Shasta sage. I respectfully harvested a small piece from the sage shrub.

Wild Shasta SageI thought this must be it as I looked around there was no more in sight.

Then as I walked back along the path and looked to my right it was like a whole world opened up to me.

There were large mother and father and grandfather sage shrubs all around me.

Being amidst the wild sages felt deeply rich and fulfilling.

Sage as a Medicine and Healer

People around the world use sage regularly.

Sage’s health benefits are many: sage oil, sage tea, sage incense and sage essential oil are all considered a natural remedy or supplement to support wellness and good health.

In the world of medicine, sage is used to help combat infection along with treating pain and fever, and even as a remedy for anxiety and depression.

Have you wondered how sage has so many health benefits?

The main reason that people use sage for health is because it helps remove toxins from the body; a common home remedy for detox.

Sage is most commonly used for its aroma, which is why it lends itself to the kitchen.

It helps improve digestion, and helps calm the nerves and ease stress. Because it is made of a unique oil and spice combination, it also helps relieve headaches.

You can also help keep your skin healthy by using sage products as it can clear acne with its antimicrobial properties.

sageSage and it’s Magical Properties

Sage is an essential cleansing herb, used by Native American shamans for spiritual and physical cleansing.

It can be used for purification, peace, and protection. Cleansing using sage can be used on a personal level, a work, spiritual, and physical.

If used to cleanse negative energy, sage can clear an individual’s aura and bring light.

Cleansing and purifying rituals have been practiced by millions of Native Americans and Europeans since ancient times.

It is believed that certain ceremonial activities can improve the human condition.

They offer an opportunity to heal your emotional, spiritual and physical imbalances.

Many people use herbs, salt, and other natural things to cleanse negative energy.

One important method is to smudge. It is a cleansing and purifying ritual.

I like to use both White sage and Shasta sage.

You can also add in Yerba Santa and Cedar or Sweet Grass to the smudge stick.

Sage is one of the most powerful magical herbs.

It is believed that sage leaves are especially effective against evil-doers, and many magical practitioners use it as a cleansing herb, especially during the waning summer months.

Sage is also extremely useful for healing many kinds of illnesses; its name, meaning ‘holy,’ was given to it because of its ability to purify and to restore health.

For many years it was believed that sage was good for the stomach, as it was traditionally used with cheese or wine.

It has also long been used to make cough syrup, since it helps to dissolve phlegm without causing upset stomach.

sacred sageTypes of Wild Sage & Harvesting

Wild sage is an evergreen, bushy plant that has thin, branching stems, and produces tiny, round, hairy blue and lavender flowers in late spring and summer.

The flowers look like tiny star flowers but lack the six yellow tips at the center.

The leaves are a light purplish blue when young. After flowering they turn dark forest greenish.

There are many types of wild sage, but you may know them by their botanical name, according to the botanical name of sage you can choose one of the wild sage below: Black sage (Salvia nemorosa) — Its scientific name is Nemorosa.

It contains more camphor, so it is a very good medicine in the cold. 2 White sage (Salvia apiana) — Salvia apiana is a herb native to California. It contains only 1.5% camphor.

It is good in the summer, but it isn’t too strong. It is good to help clear your mind, improve memory, and it is one of the best remedies for allergies.

Wild Shasta Sage only grows here in Shasta and is mild. The best time to harvest sage is typically late summer when the shrub is most fragrant.

I have found Autumn time to still be a lovely time to harvest Sage.

Sustainably harvesting sage is crucial to its survival.

We have to be aware of which Sage shrubs are new and which are the oldest. It is like the baby and the Grandfather.

These are not the one’s to take from. You want to focus on the one’s in between to lightly harvest.

Leaving a gift of some sort like wild tobacco, a blessing or some other natural gift is showing your respect.

If you see an anthill on a sage shrub or similarly a natural barrier like this it is best to leave this shrub alone.

There is a reason why the ants have built this and it should be respected. Use your intuition and sit with the plants.

Gain the wisdom of the wild sages and enjoy the deeply rich experience it can offer.

The initiation of wild sage is one to be deeply grateful for!

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