Butter may have gotten a bad reputation in the past and for good reason on some levels.
For one when butter is being mass produced and the cows are being fed grains that are often Genetically Modified well that surely is not a super food.
As most of you know Genetically Modified Feed will not only cause major immune related issues but it also does not give someone the many benefits of true pasture fed butter.
So, is Grass Fed Butter one of the most amazing super foods on this planet? I say YES. And here is why:
I prefer cultured, raw, pasture fed butter. This ensures it has all its’ enzymes intact as well as plenty of probiotic proliferation.
If you can’t get that from a local farm, do the best with what is available, but make sure it is grass fed!
Grass Fed Butter has a special Vitamin that is known to help keep the joints happy and healthy.
This Vitamin is called, K2. K2 is found in abundance in grass fed butter. It is known as Activator X through the studies of Weston Price.
It helps to place the calcium we absorb into the bones instead of it getting displaced into the soft tissues. This reverses or prevents calcification when combined with Vitamin D3.
Here is a list of the benefits of Grass Fed Butter:
1. It can be one of the best foods for treating fungal infections, including candida.
***Due to the lauric acid that is in abundance in the butter.
2. Anti-Tumor & Anti-Cancer Properties
3. Contains Lecithin which is a wonderful emulsifier and oil transport to the brain.
4. It is anti-inflammatory
5. Re-mineralizes the bones and teeth. Can help to reverse tooth decay.
6. Prevents or Reverses calcification of the arteries and joints.
7. Helps the body absorb minerals.
8. Is a great source of Iodine
9. Can help women with becoming more fertile.
10. Crucial for a healthy brain and nervous system.
11. Great source of absorbable Vitamin A (adrenals and thyroid support).
12. Is Rich in Selenium
13. Important immune Booster
14. Helps heal the gut lining
15. Protects from mental illness
16. Creates healthier skin, better bowel movements and a great outlook on life (feeds the brain)!
17. Kids LOVE it
And so much more! Discover the benefits by consuming this superfood on a daily basis.
What are some ways to utilize Grass Fed Butter for maximum nutrition?
Some ideas are to blend it in your hot teas or elixirs. Try it with some steamed brussel sprouts or other dark green cruciferous vegetable. A great idea is to blend some of the butter with the veggie of your choice in the blender and top the rest of the veggies with that creamed super nutrition.
This blog post is in honor of our 4th year Anniversary here at WordPress. wahoooo. we made it to the 4 year mark, Happy Anniversary!