Our Latest Raw, Living, Cultured Food Class in the Magical Canyon of Topanga

Recently I had the honor to create a beautiful and super nutrient rich food class for a wonderful private group in Topanga, California.

It truly was a blessing. We all remained willing to learn, kept a high teachablity index and were open to except changes in our current life styles in order to move more towards what we want.

We began by sharing our intention for the class and then went on to cover the 4 Basic Principles woven through out the Sacred Backyard Blog.

  • Cellular Communication
  • Cellular Environment
  • Cellular Nutrition
  • Cellular Movement

Because really without even one of these potent principles we would not have the balance and harmony that all 4 when done together can create for our health.

We also reviewed the 2 Revolutionary Concepts that are very important when it comes to healing the body at the cellular level.

These are the Enzyme and Probiotic Concepts.

When we take on enzyme and probiotic therapy coupled with the Four Principles and an innerstanding of the Detoxification process we have a basis for Regenerating our bodies, minds and spirits.

Next we got to delve into creating in the kitchen sharing all kinds of medicinal yet delicious foods, elixirs and desserts.

We had live, cold pressed juices, cultured yogurt, fermented foods, smoothies, soups, tacos & superfood ice cream.

Our focus on this class was cleansing and regenerating the body with foods full of water and friendly microbes to feed the healthy flora.

No dehydrator is required for this type of class only a vita mix or blendtec  and a twin gear juicer.

A dehydrator can be a fun tool however our focus here is on wet, live, juicy foods and liquids.

When we have a healthy inner eco system the body will run clean and efficient. The result is clean blood, a pure mind, body and spirit.

These foods nourish the bodies while causing little work on the digestive system.

This is because the food we prepare is highly active with enzymes and friendly bacteria. Not only this but we have unlocked the amino acids, fatty acids & glucose into usable energy during the soaking and  fermentation processes.

If someone is sick or anyone looking to maximize energy levels we can highly benefit from this type of nutrition as our bodies energy is redirected torwads healing and rebuilding instead of working to digest. We do not compromise taste, texture or flavor either. We get to enjoy all of this while maintaining a lean, clean, serene body.

Unlocking the nuytition from our food allows to easily regenerate the skin,  grow hair, strengthen the bones and create lean muscle mass. This type of lifestyle also creates core & tensile strength. It allows us to remanufacture our own metabolic enzymes and hormones too.

Our bodies are so miraculous, they really can and will heal themselves given the right pathways to regenerate.

Our next class will be one about Mastering Detoxification and the different ways to go about this in your own home.  We will cover things like the coffee enema, super herbs, medicinal mushrooms, liver/gallbladder flush and fasting.

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