Living on Life Food

Fresh veggies

A few weeks ago I embarked on my Spring  Liver Gallbladder Flush and this time I utilized the work of genius Dr. David Jubb to faciliate a deeper flush.

He was the one of the many pioneers that coined the words “Life Food”.

I am so inspired to share the work of Dr. David Jubb here because he has been an inspiration to so many people along the health path.

If you are inspired to learn from the master himself please do. A Shaman, top Natural Lifestyler,  neurobehavioral physiologist, microspocist, a blood formation specialist and an expert in nutrition Dr. Jubb has a deep innerstanding of the human life form.

Some of his teachings are pretty deep in Science if you like that kinda thing, if not you can still get A LOT from his concepts and the Life Food Recipe Book.  Otherwise check out plenty of his talks on line.

He recommends eating only foods that would grow in the wild and to stay away from hybrid starchy foods that are only grown for mass production.

These would include things like carrots, dates & bananas which cause run away sugars in the system and ultimately cause challenges in the liver.

He recommends doing a 2 week Life Food fast which consists of blended foods and a series of liver gallbladder flushes during the 2 week phase.

You can find his work online and purchase any of his books to assist you with the cleanse.

The Life Food Recipe Book was of great assistance to me.

You can also contact me for guidance with the program.

I love liquid nutrition so it was a joy for me to create recipes from his life food book and then begin to create my own blended liquid light after I got the hang of his concepts.

The blended foods he suggest are very sustaining due to most of them being blended as whole foods so the fiber is intact.

I was always quite full after a small bowl of Life Soup.

I thoroughly enjoyed creating these soups daily along with Sprouted nut mylks, electrolyte lemonade w/ superfoods added, green vegetable juices and fermented beverages.

So what are the benefits of Life Food?

1. For one it is great for anyone with digestive issues as the food is blended giving the digestive tract a much needed break.

2. It wakes up dormant DNA

3. Improves cellular function and rejuvenates the cell structure.

4. Gives the body nourishment on the cellular level. Great for those with nutrient deficiencies.

5. Enzyme rich foods full of life power create an enzyme reserve in the body so the pancreas has a loaded bank account! Enzymes equal light and light equals a more radiant you!

6. Improves Liver Function

These are just a few of the benefits, try it for yourself and write me with your experience. Some have better bowel movements, increased energy and an over all sense of well being.

Here is a suggestion below for an incredible Life Food Soup:

Step 1:  Juice Celery, Lemon, Cucumber  (about 3/4-1 pint)

Step 2: Fill the blender with the juice and then add in seasonal greens like cilantro, wild dandelion greens, wild grass (its growing everywhere around you) red bell pepper, miso paste, turmeric, pink salt, habanero pepper, avocado, sea veggies, nutritional yeast and a handful of soaked sprouted pumpkin seeds..for the zinc!.

Step 3: Blend and serve. Top with slices of sun-dried tomato, avocado or spirulina powder.

I also love to add a superfood powder that Dr. Marshall makes called Premier Tomato Concentrate.

It is mineral rich and great to add to foods if you are not foraging wild foods daily.

Wild foods give us more independence, more love and more truth inside ourselves! Eat more of those and Eat Less dense foods to feel & look your best.

You can do so many variations and it is so fun creating different colors and flavors with these life giving soups.

The liver and gallbladder flushing is something you can incorporate inside the 2 week blended food lifestyle.

I enjoyed doing both a liver and gallbladder flush (the difference being how much oil you consume for each).

Spring has sprung and most of us have had the gut feeling to cleanse our mind, bodies and spirits in some fashion.

It is also the full moon which can empower us more to give us strength to move forward with these decisions.

Stand out in the full moon tonight and get super charged by that full moon.

Your battery will be on power mode!

Spring is truly the beginning of the New Year…as is shared within the Zodiac. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac so as we re-birth at this time and especially this week we die to our ego now and come back a new being we can feel our life power more profoundly.

Thanks for stopping by the Sacred Backyard! Love & Blessings, Dodhisattva

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