How To Increase Your White Blood Cells : A Simple 4-Step Guide

understanding white blood cells

In this article, we will dive deep into how to increase your white blood cells

Perhaps you have recently received your blood test back and it shows a low white blood cell count.

This is also known as leukopenia.

White blood cells, also known as leukocytes, are the body’s defense against infection.

They are produced in the bone marrow and circulate in the bloodstream, where they fight off bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders.

While we will provide you beneficial info in this article on how to increase your white blood cells naturally this is not a substitute for medical advice.


Brief Overview of the Importance of White Blood Cells

White blood cells are also known as leukocytes, and they play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and vitality.

They are the cornerstone of the body’s immune system, and a defense mechanism against:

  •  Infections
  • Foreign substances
  • Abnormal cells

Understanding the interconnectedness of the body’s systems is a key component to effectively increase your white blood cells

There are several factors that must be addressed.

Supporting the proper functioning of white blood cells is essential for maintaining a robust immune system and preventing chronic illnesses.

If you also recognize the body’s innate ability to heal itself then you come to understand that view white blood cells are essential players in this process.

We can then strengthen the immune system through natural remedies and lifestyle modifications to enhance the body’s natural defenses.

Key Roles of White Blood Cells

White blood cells encompass a diverse group of specialized cells, each with unique functions in protecting the body.

Neutrophils: These are the most abundant white blood cells, acting as the first line of defense against bacterial infections.

Lymphocytes: Lymphocytes are responsible for adaptive immunity, enabling the body to recognize and fight specific pathogens.

Monocytes: These cells migrate to infected tissues and transform into macrophages, engulfing and destroying pathogens and debris.

Eosinophils: Eosinophils play a role in combating parasitic infections and allergic reactions.

Basophils: Basophils are involved in allergic reactions and inflammation.

understanding white blood cells

Immune System Health & White Blood Cells

White blood cells are the primary cellular components of the immune system, responsible for identifying, attacking, and eliminating pathogens, foreign substances, and abnormal cells.

A healthy immune system, characterized by a balanced white blood cell count, is essential for preventing infections, maintaining overall health, and combating chronic diseases.

 Immune System-White Blood Cell Connection

As a holistic health practitioner I emphasize the interconnectedness of the body’s systems and view immune system health as a reflection of overall well-being.

I believe that imbalances in the immune system, including abnormal white blood cell counts, often stem from underlying functional imbalances, such as infections, viruses, cancer, autoimmune, nutritional deficiencies, chronic stress, and gut dysbiosis.

By addressing these underlying issues, functional medicine aims to restore balance to the immune system and can help you learn how to increase your white blood cell count naturally.

Several factors can influence the connection between immune system health and how to increase your white blood cell count naturally.

Nutrition: Adequate intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is crucial for optimal immune function. Nutritional deficiencies can impair white blood cell production and activity.

Lifestyle: Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and effective stress management techniques can significantly impact immune system health. A healthy lifestyle promotes the production and function of white blood cells.

Gut Health: A healthy gut microbiome is essential for immune system balance and preventing inflammation. Dysbiosis in the gut microbiome can disrupt immune signaling and white blood cell function.

Chronic Stress: Chronic stress can suppress the immune system, leading to imbalances in white blood cell production and function. Managing stress levels is crucial for maintaining immune health.

Steps on How To Increase Your White Blood Cell Count Naturally

If we aim to address the underlying causes of immune system imbalances and optimize white blood cell function the body will work in balance once again.

Nutritional Support: Ensuring adequate intake of essential nutrients through diet or supplementation can improve immune function and white blood cell count.

Lifestyle Modifications: Breathing exercises, workout masks to strengthen the lung capacity, lymph movement exercises, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques can significantly impact immune health and white blood cell balance.

Herbal Remedies: Certain herbs and supplements, such as echinacea, astragalus, and cat’s claw tea, may enhance immune function and white blood cell production.

Medicinal Mushroom Extracts: In this article, we dive into the potent medicine that Turkey Tail Mushroom plays in increasing white blood cells.



How To Increase Your White Blood Cells

1. Trametes Versicolor (Turkey Tail Mushroom) as an aid to rebuild strength to the innate immune system and increase white blood cell count.

It is very important to note that the studies that have been conducted to show the efficacy of Turkey Tail to aid the white blood cell count were done using hot water extracts.

Non-extracted turkey tail mushrooms have not been properly studied to my knowledge.

You can see from this study here how mice with tumors, given Trametes experienced an increase in their white blood cell count. 

We understand that the polysaccharides in Trametes play a key role in their ability to augment the immune system.

There are also phenolic compounds and the rare amino acid Ergothioneine that also contribute to the powerful antioxidant effects of these mushrooms.

Trametes mushrooms help booster the overall immune system innate to the human body, specifically in the cases of immuno-suppression.

History of Its Use

During the Ming Dynasty in China Trametes was recorded as a  longevity mushroom when taken regularly. 

Back then they isolated the polysaccharides from the mushroom and found them to have anti-tumor effects and immune-modulating power. You can read the medical research here.

If you are looking on how to increase your white blood cells then a potent super strength hot water extract of turkey tail may be your best bet. You can get a bottle here.

You can add the capsules to a hot beverage or open them up and take them orally. 

The taste is pleasant to me but some may choose to swallow the capsules instead.

You can follow the bottle suggestion for dosage or speak to your health care provider for best dosage.



How To Increase Your White Blood Cells W/ Cat’s Claw

2. Cat’s Claw also known as Uncaria Tomentosa is a woody vine native to the Amazon rainforest and other tropical areas of Central and South America.

It is named “Cat’s Claw” due to its distinctive hooked thorns, which resemble the claws of a cat.

The plant has a long history of traditional use among indigenous people in these regions for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.

We see it used in the cases of cancer, HIV, Herpes and other viruses invading the human immune system.

We can see here more medical studies on how to increase white blood cells with Cat’s Claw.

Furthermore, it has been shown to repair DNA damage from rats that had undergone chemotherapy here.

You can also read this study here showing how to increase your white blood cells with Cat’s Claw.

How To Consume Cat’s Claw?

Cat’s claw is wonderful to take as a tea. It is mild or neutral in taste. 

You can get cat’s claw tea here.

In fact it can be wonderful to mix with the turkey tail hot water extract powder as a powerful approach on how to increase white blood cells naturally.

increase your white blood cell count

3. How to Increase your White Blood Cells with Food

If you are wondering how to increase your white blood cells naturally with foods look to those that have enough iron, zinc and selenium.

These nutrients will help build the blood and boost your immune system substantially.

Foods such as:

  • Brazil Nuts
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Grass-Fed |Wild Organ Meat
  • Sardines
  • Pastured Eggs

    are some options to help boost your white blood cell count nutritionally speaking. 

In ancient traditional medicine, it is taught that like supports like.

This is when you may want to consider a supplement such as Blood Vitality.

It helps in the formation of both red and white blood cells.

You can read the numerous testimonials at that link as well.

Also consider bright colorful foods rich in antioxidants such as berries and deep green veggies.

You may also wish to eat some bright orange foods like pumpkin, especially in the Autumn when they are in season.

Probiotic-rich foods like homemade sauerkraut and coconut water kefir will help to take out the unhealthy bacteria and make sure the good bacteria are strengthening the immune system.

These foods can also help a damaged gut.

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4. Breathing Techniques

One thing is for certain when we are under stress our immune system takes a hit. This includes our white blood cell count.

The more we can manage stress and implore techniques like guided meditations, breath work and calming exercises like rebounding and tai chi the more we can boost our immune system including our white blood cell count. 

You may wonder how to increase your white blood cells via exercise or if there is any real research that verifies this.

This medical study showed that deep rhythmic breathing was able to increase the NK cells. These are your white blood cells that get rid of cancer cells and diseased cells.

It makes sense logically that this would be the case because with deep rhythmic breathing we are activating our parasympathetic nervous system.

This provides a calm more relaxed state of being giving us oxygenated cells and a robust immune system.

When we breathe shallow and short we get shallow results.

Try things like tai chi and specific pranayam yoga sets like Awaken The Ten Bodies set from Kundalini Yoga.

These will help you strengthen your lung capacity and oxygenate and boost your entire immune system.

I have laid out a beginner tai chi warm up and kundalini yoga set here. 

I call it Magical Morning Routine and you can grab it in the Shop Section of the site.

You might also consider uphill walking as a way to get your lymphatic system working or simply rebounding to do this as well.

Breathing out of your nose is the most effective when it comes to properly oxygenating the tissues and activating the parasympathetic state.

how to increase your white blood cells

Understanding White Blood Cells

White blood cells are specialized cells that circulate through the bloodstream and lymphatic system, protecting the body from infection and disease.

There are five main types of white blood cells, each with a unique role in the immune response:

Neutrophils are the most abundant type of white blood cell, making up about 60% of the total white blood cell count. They are the first line of defense against bacterial infections, engulfing and destroying bacteria through a process called phagocytosis.

Lymphocytes are responsible for adaptive immunity, which allows the body to recognize and fight specific pathogens. There are two main types of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells. B cells produce antibodies, which are proteins that bind to specific pathogens and mark them for destruction. T cells directly attack infected cells and help to activate other immune cells.

Monocytes are large, mobile cells that can migrate to sites of infection and transform into macrophages. Macrophages are phagocytes that engulf and destroy bacteria, fungi, and other debris. They also produce cytokines, which are signaling molecules that help to coordinate the immune response.

Eosinophils are involved in combating parasitic infections and allergic reactions. They produce enzymes that damage parasites and release histamine, a chemical that causes the symptoms of allergies.

Basophils are the least common type of white blood cell, making up only about 0.5% of the total white blood cell count. They are involved in allergic reactions and inflammation. They release histamine and other chemicals that help to trigger the inflammatory response.

How They Work

When a pathogen enters the body, white blood cells work together to eliminate it.

The type of white blood cell that is most active in the immune response will depend on the type of pathogen.

For example, neutrophils are the most active white blood cells in response to bacterial infections, while lymphocytes are the most active white blood cells in response to viral infections.

White blood cells are essential for protecting the body from infection and disease.

They are constantly on patrol, searching for pathogens and other foreign substances.

When they find a pathogen, they work together to eliminate it, keeping the body healthy.

White Blood Cell Q/A

How Do You Fix Low White Blood Cell Count?

To fix a low white blood cell count you need to first learn the root cause. This will help you target the issue correctly.

In this post, we covered a specific tea made of cat's claw herb which is a key factor in how to increase your white blood cells. 

We also talked about turkey tail mushroom hot water extracts as a way to facilitate an increase in your white blood cell count.

Nutrition is very important as the diet must be free of processed and packaged junk foods.

With an organic whole foods diet rich in high-quality protein, probiotic-rich foods and bright-colored whole foods, your body's immune system will have the tools to increase your white blood cells naturally.

Consider deep rhythmic breathing to help boost your white blood cells. Pranayama is helpful as a method to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and relieve stress. In this study, it helped to activate the white blood cells.

What Can Raise White Blood Cell Count?

How to raise your white blood cells count requires a holistic point of view.

First what is causing the low white blood cell count? Have you had blood work indicating this?

Once you have established the cause with your health care provider you can work at a well-rounded strategy.

You may want to incorporate nutrient-dense food rich in antioxidants.  Foods low on the glycemic index so as to not feed viruses and infections like berries are a great option here. 

Leafy greens and high-quality protein that has iron, zinc, and selenium will help to boost your immune system.

Slow deep breathing via uphill walking and certain types of yoga such as pranayma can help increase your white blood cells specifically cancer-fighting NK white blood cells.

You can practice a soft bounce on a mini trampoline aka a rebounder in order to activate detoxification of your lymphatic system and boost the immune system.

A tonic tea that may help when asking how to raise your white blood cells is  cat's claw tea with turkey tail mushroom hot water extract mixed into it.

How Can I Raise My White Blood Cells Fast?

Raising your white blood cells fast will require a holistic approach.

When it comes to how to increase your white blood cells you can use deep breathing exercises, combined with an organic whole foods diet rich in vitamin c, selenium, zinc and high quality protein.

To supplement and get faster results drinking a tonic tea in a base of cat's claw tea with several capsules of a turkey tail mushroom hot water extract will boost your efforts to raise your white blood cells fast.

What Foods To Avoid If You Have Low White Blood Cells?

If you have low white blood cells and are looking for how to increase your white blood cells you want to avoid toxic seed oils like canola, soy, and peanut as these will cause more inflammation through out your body especially highly heated seed oils that are used in almost all restaurant food today.

Avoid fried foods and processed foods. Stay away from packaged foods entirely.

Instead opt for fresh organic whole foods that are vibrant in color and choose nutrient-dense sources of protein like spirulina, algae, grass fed protein, pastured eggs as well as liver and sardines.

White Blood Cells TakeAways

  1. Incorporate Pranayama or Deep Rhythmic Breathing:

    • Engage in pranayama or deep rhythmic breathing exercises, as they can contribute to improved oxygenation and overall respiratory health, potentially supporting an increase in white blood cells.
  2. Adopt an Organic Whole Foods Nutrient-Dense Diet:

    • Focus on an organic whole foods nutrient-dense diet that includes quality fats, protein, and colorful foods rich in antioxidants.
    • Consider grass fed glandular supplementation like Blood Vitality.
    • Prioritize a variety of low glycemic berries, vegetables, and superfoods to ensure a broad spectrum of essential nutrients.
      • Include sources of quality fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, to provide essential fatty acids that support immune function.
      • Incorporate quality protein sources whether vegan, vegetarian, or carnivore to ensure an adequate intake of amino acids and key minerals necessary for immune system health.
  3. Explore Turkey Tail Mushroom Hot Water Extract:

    • Consider incorporating turkey tail mushroom hot water extract into your routine. This mushroom has been studied for its immune-boosting properties, including its effects on white blood cells.
  4. Enjoy Cat’s Claw Tea:

    • Include Cat’s Claw tea in your daily regimen. Cat’s Claw, or Uncaria tomentosa, is known for its traditional use in supporting immune function. The alkaloids and other compounds in Cat’s Claw may contribute to its potential benefits.

How to increase your white blood cells naturally takes a holistic approach by utilizing key foods, herbs, mushrooms, and lifestyle practices like pranayama. 

We must also get to the root cause with a qualified healthcare practitioner so that our efforts are not blindly guided but targeted at the primary issue at hand.

This post was all about how to increase your white blood cells. Let me know if you have any questions or what helped you on your journey of how to increase your white blood cells naturally.

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