Our bodies are made up of microbes and whether these are the friendly type of microbes or unfriendly is entirely up to us.
This does and will translate into what we see for our planet in the years to come & what we choose to create for our future.
The changes we make within ourselves are ultimately what will and can create major shifts in what we see in the mass consciousness today.
Things that promote a healthy inner ecosystem will re populate the friendly flora of the stomach.
There are literally pounds of bacteria there. Once this is established or regained it will coat the exterior of the body and create a healthy human bio field.
This raises our energy levels, our connection with all life & our ability to be a contribution in the world as each bacteria holds a consciousness whether high or low in vibration.
When we are birthed into the world and coated with the fluids from our mother we are given a protective shield of probiotics.
If we were either born by c-section or our mother had an overgrowth of candida (yeast over growth) we did not get the proper coating of these bacterias.
This allows for us to be more susceptible to viruses and dis-eases in the body.
As a result an unhealthy inner ecosystem is created resulting in challenges with the immune system through out one’s life.
Pharmaceutical Drugs, Vaccines and a Processed Food Diet contribute to the weakness.
By taking action and full responsibility for creating the experience there are many things that can be done to take care of this imbalance.
One is to stop feeding the unfriendly bacteria which thrive on sugar, yeast, and processed/denatured foods.
Start to incorporate a living, cultured foods diet with plenty of alkaline foods such as salads, blended sea weed soups, cultured vegetables & cultured superfood smoothies (for nutrient rich food absorption).
When you culture foods with probiotics you allow the friendly microbes to multiply or proliferate.
Examples are coconut water kefir, cultured nut cheeses, fermented vegetables, organic grass fed raw milk kefir, cultured butter (grass fed) along with others.
When consumed daily these friendly microbes coat the entire digestive tract & intestinal walls assisting to detoxify the cells, regenerate new tissue & cleanse the colon from matter that has been fermenting in the system for years.
A great time to take a probiotic supplement is with cultured foods.
I also like to take probiotics on an empty stomach before bed and first thing in the morning.
Find natural ways to re build the immune system and educate yourself on the repercussions of vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs.
Ask yourself quality questions such as: Are these drugs building cellular integrity?
What harm if any could they be doing to my vital organ system?
Could they be the cause of my inflammation, constipation, candida, auto-immune disease, eye health, tumors etc.? What could I do to take full responsibility for my health now? Ask yourself and you will always get a higher guidance answer.
The answer that comes forth that is peaceful, loving and non judgemental is likely the answer from your Higher Self.
It can take as little as 3 months or years to re-establish a healthy inner ecosystem.
It requires a life style change and the inspiration to be a world server so that the future remains bright for generations to come.
What can we do for the youth or young children coming into the world?
We can be an example of the solution for one.
By creating a healthy inner eco system we transfer these immune factors to the generations to come.
By breast feeding children we give them an extra boost of probiotics daily to nourish their bodies.
This builds a strong structure and foundation.
If one is open to taking colostrum in their adult life this can assist in building lean muscle mass, strengthen the immune system, create new cells and produce growth hormones that keep us youthful and balance the hormone system.
A high integrity colostrum is of utmost importance here. Colostrum can and has been used in place of flu vaccines as a safe, natural alternative.
Consider taking medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, cordyceps, chaga, agaricus blazai, to increase immune strength.
Theses fungal bodies also have a consciousness and act as immune modulators in the inner ecosystem.
As the consciousness shifts in each person with a diet rich in friendly microbes and a combination of the cellular principles shared within this blog, the frequency of our population raises in vibration and attracts the higher visions we seek for humanity.
Start today by cleansing and rejuvenating the body with a green juice.
Add cayenne pepper and ginger root for its incredible anti-parasitic, anti-fungal & hormone balancing factors.
Cleansing and at the same time as rebuilding the body is a crucial key to maintaining cellular integrity.
This can be achieved with living cultured foods as they are bio-available to the cell wall and provide nourishment at a deep level.
Creating a nutrient rich garden in the internal soil of the body gives you tensile strength cellular integrity, radiance, and sustained energy. This will ultimately reflect in the world around you.