As I nurture and care for my body, mind and spirit I look at all aspects of the cellular principles & spritual laws shared here within this sacred backyard blog.
On a moment to moment basis I tune in to these principles and laws:
Cellular Communication ~ My beautiful thoughts are reflected in my external world.
I remind myself of the above truth and nourish my mind with loving, healing affirmations and beliefs.
It is within the now that I am free from suffering and I choose to hold a space of enlightenment as my greatest service to the world.
My greatest gift is inner peace and with this breathtaking connection.
I have fulfilled my mission on this earth. I am one with all life.
Seeing any kind of separation in others is an illusion.
Judging, ridiculing, criticizing ourselves or others put us in an acidic state and does nothing to benefit our personal power or growth.
Feedback from the heart space is a super hero quality that is a much better approach to communicating than any form of criticism.
Asking permission to share feedback allows everyone a free will choice & shows awareness.
- Cellular Nutrition ~
I choose to love and honor my body. I feed it super nutrient rich foods and liquids.Super Foods, Herbs, The Best Brain Foods, Probiotics and Medicinal mushrooms are in abundance in my life and I claim that now.
I bathe in the sunshine and drink the living spring water’s of this earth.
I am full of light and the lighter I become the more I am a channel for the highest good to flow through me.
My body is my home and so it is important that I take exceptional care of it.
I choose to periodically fast to let it rest just as I get to rest each night.
I love my body and honor each organ and part.
Because of this true love my body gives me messages when it requires certain nutrients.
It gives me signs through my super senses, situations and magical messages. I listen and tune in.
- My cellular environment is a crucial key to maintaining and creating the best life ever.
I know that my environment not only includes fresh living spring waters, earth crystals, living plants, medicines and loving vibrations from the higher realms but also the most amazing loving beings around me.
I see the highest good in them and they see this in me.
We are a high vibrational community empowering one another so that each individual shines the collective light.
We are open and receptive to feed back and are immune to judgement and criticism of any kind.
Our environment is one that is nurturing and fulfilling which includes, Spring water bathing, Infrared Sauna’s, Super Nutrient Rich Kitchen’s, Fire places, Creative art studios and so much more.
Our home is a place to share with one another and master mind for the highest good.
It is here we create lucrative high vibrational projects and services to offer the world. It is a place of laughter, good times and magic.
- Cellular Exercise ~ Both Internal and External exercise are crucial.
Deep Breathing, Yoga and Rebounding create a healthy internal environment.
I enjoy these exercises daily to increase the presence power around my body.
I enjoy moving in all different ways in order to increase the life power within.
I stretch it and listen to its call for different forms of movement.
Martial arts such as Capoeira is something my body receives incredible fulfillment from.
Mastering a martial art in this lifetime is apart of my Dharma and it ensure’s a strong heart~mind connection.
I am in tune to the 7 Spiritual Laws of the Super Hero Archetype and therefore I have harnessed my power to change the world for the greater good.
These spiritual laws give us a guide line of how to be, what to think, say and do. Within this article we have the keys and codes to maintain cellular integrity, clean, flowing blood, thoughts and lives.
First we take a look at the Law of Balance.
This is a of utmost importance because as we go about our day it is crucial that we remain connected to the higher source of all things.
With this deep connection we are unshakeable as the world around us presents challenges, tribulations, thoughts from mass consciousness, environmental pollutions etc. As we harness our level of being we will keep centered and steady through it all.
With this peace we can move onto the level of feeling. This allows us to tune into our emotional awareness. We want to come from a place of peace and discernment when we make decisions or actions.
The need to be right or any type of self importance that is coming through must be surrendered and released in order to rooted in love and peace.
Our third level is thinking and we can note that the highest level of thinking here is creativity.
We see this amongst our community of artists.
How can we each tap into more creativity with in our own existence?
Within creativity all problems have a solution.
I invite the opportunity for more creativity in my life and in your’s if you choose this. And next we actually take right action. Here we are flowing with all the levels of creativity and things happen magically, effortlessly and instantaneously.
There are 6 other spiritual laws to be addressed and we will do that through out the next blog posts to come!
Remembering we are perfect in our imperfection allows us to have great compassion for ourselves and others.
As we truly recognize our shadow self and allow it to be our greatest opportunity for healing and transformation we allow ourselves to awaken to the ever present flowing stream of consciousness.
Our shadow self allows us to become better, stronger and wiser. And so it is! Sat Nam. Wahe Guru.
2 thoughts on “The Cellular Principles & Spiritual Laws here at the Sacred Back Yard”
Thank you for this ! It’s a POWERFUL FOUNDATION!
Thank you Bu!